Assisting someone to move when they can’t move by themselves is not a simple task. Done incorrectly, it can cause serious injury or disability.
If you have a carer or employee who assists you to move to and from your bed, wheelchair, floor, toilet or chair, our occupational therapists can provide training to ensure it’s done safely every time.
We will work with you and your carer/support staff to make recommendations based on your particular home environment and conduct training in the safest manual handling methods.
This includes using ‘no lift’ principles, and incorporating mechanical aids as required.
Then we give carers a personalised manual handling plan to ensure consistency and continuity of care after our meeting.
All our recommendations are practical, safe and meet everyone’s needs.
Every person is on a different journey, and everyone will meet roadblocks along the way. For some people, just being able to do everyday tasks can be lifechanging. This is why our therapists are trained in a range of health sciences. This allows us to take a holistic approach to your care and tailor services to your needs.
Our therapists are registered with: